Benefits of sailing with disabilities

Building confidence and personal growth

People living with disabilities seldom have opportunities to participate in individual sporting activities where they can stand out on a level playing field.

Sailing provides a unique sense of freedom and movement. Sailing is fresh, new and exciting. It pushes boundaries and comfort zones and there are new risks to overcome. There is even the challenge of being taken out on the water to learn something from a complete stranger. 

The sheer joy sailing provides is obvious when you are out on the water.

Overall, sailing helps build confidence and enables personal growth with the benefits extending beyond the sailor to their family, schools, clubs, and the wider community.

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I am a grey haired vision-impaired lady with Parkinson’s disease. I love sailing very much but have few opportunities to sail, especially hands-on sailing. I look forward to the sailing time on the water, I just wish I could go every week
— Anne Cassin - Sailor